At first, the rhythm was more subtle but you could dance to it if you listened more keenly. I didn't expect to find this many people at the party but with an open invitation, it was bound to happen. Free booze has a way of attracting the weeds. Anyway, the choice of music was pathetic and the girls were a little too needy for my liking. I didn't mind since the booze was on my to do list and the girls were more like the pirate's code; to be thought of only as suggestions. Am aware that the list is in a weird way self-regenerative but at the end of the day, booze being the big stones had to go first in to the jar before the small pebbles, the college gals, filled in the spaces.
I sat at the far end of the counter across the room and looked around; she was on the dance floor. Basic instinct, initial intention, curiosity of that guy that drives him to her kicked in. She was your average college girl with everything that they come with except for one thing, enigma. She was composed and had a sense of self-control, two things maybe. Mysterious, meditative, unapproachable, three things maybe. Feet. Those were the first thing I noticed. Her satin heels put emphasis on the beauty of her calves. Her perfectly tanned legs seemed to glow in the lil light in the room. On a normal day, my instinct would automatically lead my eyes up to check out the rack but at this point in time, it was the legs that mesmerized me. I watched her hips sway to the beat, the rhythm was clearer now. She was like a jeweled dancer, dancing upon a pavement of gold. Her thighs, tanned beautiful thighs. Her thighs beautiful and tanned go straight to the top. Good grief they're fabulous and all I could think about is the lots of warmth within just glowing from fun. Can you imagine moonlight in liquid form? Now, can you imagine yourself immersed in a pond of liquid moonlight? Now imagine all that liquid moonlight seeping dip into your essence. Watching her brought that feeling.
"I think I'll take another one of those shots, double vodka"
Where did she go? My mind deftly swerves from the frivolous mood to profundity and even the jerk of inertia was non-existent. I had turned for only a few seconds and she was gone!
I turn around and she's standing right next to me with this inscrutable smile.
"Hi" with a measure of composure and a hint of nervousness. I hadn't noticed her face until now, she was familiar. I had seen her a few times.
"You're more of a loner than most," she said with a pitiful look.
"I'd say the same applies to you," I said trying to act confident. My heart was now in a sorry state as it had not being beating rhythmically and had skipped a little too many beats in the few minutes past. The effect of her scent, sort of like a rose geranium but sweeter, was intoxicating yet cleansing and purifying.
"Nice perfume"
"Thanks, how women did you say that to today?"
"Three or four, but they all smelled good. You're more like cherry blossom,"
"Oh really" smiling sheepishly, "I almost thought no one would notice,"
"Let's just say every man in this room would relish the chance to say that to you, if you didn't look so astoundingly beautiful, I guess I get to be the lucky one."
"How long have you being watching me?"
"I almost thought no one would notice," Smiling warily,
"I did, at least in the last three parties I have attended. You want to tell me why you've being following me?"
"Following you? You must have mistaken me for someone else." I was getting nervous now and couldn't help myself from a quick scan of the place. Most of the revelers were either drunk or getting there, except for one guy sitting at a table with a direct view of me, and another one who was two tables behind him also
with a direct view of me. I needed to compose myself.
"Okay, am going to be honest with you,"I started, "You are a very beautiful woman, and I know you are way out of my league. All I wanted was to watch you dance, in a weird way, it helps me sleep at night."
"Pervert!" She said walking away. I jumped off my seat and rushed towards her,
"No, no… not in that sense. I mean, if your days happen to be as terrible as mine are, your nights aren't exactly peaceful. I just need one beautiful scene, a smile, dance; I'll probably take anything just to go to bed and not think of blowing my brains out. I just want a moment I can relive in my dreams."
"What do you dream about?"
"They are just dreams, and you're not exactly a genie, I mean except you talking to me, I doubt any of my dreams will ever come true."
Then it hit me, she was no different than I was. She came in alone as I did, and almost left alone every time, she seemed as much out of place as I did, and she was talking to me and not the others……she was
talking to me, she…..
"……………where would I go?" she was
waiting for answer.
"Let's start over. What's your name again?"
"Serge', Serge is my name, and you