Before I start my post
today, I need to tell Safaricom Limited that one message is enough to tell me
that I have insufficient funds to send a message or make a call. Sending 10
messages to drive it home is just rubbing it on my face. Since this is the only
place that I truly have a voice, I should use this forum to complain and hope
that y'all share the same sentiments, otherwise am just a bore. But then again,
it wouldn't come as a surprise coz my cousin has a way of letting me know that
telling the same story over and over is kind of boring. His exact words about
the blog were, roughly translated, “you talk too much. You mean to tell me that
you sat somewhere alone, and since you don’t have anyone to talk to, you decide
to start a blog?” But I digress.
It's Friday and am
preparing for a typical loud weekend of indulgence (my typical loud weekend has
evolved from club hopping to coffee and vodka and a couple friends) and
reflecting. I just realized I have never really thanked the girls that came before
for driving me towards vodka. In between emotions from, "It's not me it's
you" through "Please take these feelings away from me, Lord God I
pray," to "was I drunk this whole time?", a good bottle of vodka
comes in handy. I know, I've being there once or twice, or a whole lot of
times, but who cares about the numbers. In between reading advice columns,
hanging out with your friends as they pamper your ego, telling you how
"that bitch didn't deserve you", and drunk dialing, binge drinking is
the only thing that we accept as a healer of broken hearts for real men. I say
real men because Abraham Lincoln couldn’t be wrong when in his address to the
Washington Temperance Society, Springfield, Illinois, on the 22nd of
February 1842, in his words, “If we take habitual drunkards as a class, their
heads and their hearts will bear an advantageous comparison with those of any
other class. There seems ever to have been a proneness in the brilliant
and warm-blooded to fall in to this vice. The demon of intemperance ever
seems to have delighted in sucking the blood of genius and generosity.” he
could only be addressing real men, who drink. If you’re not a fan of Abraham
Lincoln, you’ll accept Winston Churchill (one of the most important leaders in
modern British and world history) confession that he has taken more from
Alcohol than alcohol has taken from him.
Anyway, after the break ups, we live like
gamblers, where we start with a beer at 10:00 in the morn without knowledge of
where you’ll wake up tomorrow morn. This is after waking up in disastrous
situations in the past but still hoping it will end up like that one night you
woke up with a perfect 10, like throwing a dice on a high stakes table. We
drink from bottles because glasses are for those who sip not those who drink
because people who drink aim for the third beer. Not the first one, which the
throat receives with almost tearful gratitude; nor the second, that confirms
and extends the pleasure of the first. But the third, the one you drink because
it's there, because it can't hurt, and because what difference does it make? If
I sleep sober or drunk, she still won’t wake up next to her in the morning but
with spontaneous acts after the devil harasses us, we seek the company of women
or drink more, or joke and talk nonsense, or do some other merry thing.
Sometimes we must drink more, sport, recreate ourselves, and even sin a little
to spite the devil, so that we leave him no place for troubling our consciences
with trifles. We are conquered if we try too conscientiously not to sin at all.
So when the devil says to you: do not drink, answer him: I will drink, and
right freely, just because you tell me not to. Again, I digress.
After the beers, three or
four down the line, someone always comes up with the idea of keeping the
spirits in given the widely accepted our bodies are temples. A bottle of vodka
or as we like to call it, bottled poetry comes in hand, mostly after realizing
double tots albeit chasing the beer quite well, are getting on the budget
upside. This is where football talk kicks in. At this stage of the day,
mid-afternoon in most cases, the honesty level is on the lower side because we
are still disguised in sobriety.
At around three vodka bottles
down, the advice start flowing. Someone will blubber about how drinking doesn’t
help as they pour you a glass of vodka and explain how they’ve being there.
Someone will tell you that you need to go find that new love and not waste
anymore of your time thinking of someone no longer with you. “Don't go wasting your life on the past, think
positive and find that new girlfriend who will love only you, and make you
happy. From now no more drinking a lot as it will also ruin your life, and no girl wants a boyfriend who drinks too much. So go find that new love and
prove to yourself and others that you can be happy again with someone new. Go
out today and if you see someone you like who is also single, go talk to her, but
not about what’s happened, unless she asks. It’s okay to say you were cheated on,
but to go into every detail can put another girl off. So now its your time to
be happy again and love again. So don't sit there, get out and look around for
a love who will treat you right”.
I think this is the point
where we order the fourth bottle of vodka and laugh at the logic of the drunk
who thinks that jumping from one relationship to another one while still sober
is a good thing, we all know one needs to get wasted over and over again to
heal broken hearts. Depending on where we are physically (drinking den of the
day) anything goes from trying to woo a decent woman as you slur sweet nothings
incomprehensible to either you or the new girl of your dreams sitting alone on
the counter.
We sip some more vodka and go
All: Ohhhh, aye-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di!
Patrice: Once when I was celebratin'.
Aga: I went to bed.
Serge: I had too much to drink.
Caine: I woke up to an ugly head.
Patrice: She turned over.
Aga: And I saw her face.
Serge: I screamed in surprise.
Caine: And I sprayed her with mace!
All: Ohhhh, aye-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di!
Aga: I jumped round and ran away.
Serge: And put on all my clothes.
Caine: And then I ran from the house.
Patrice: I hit her, I do suppose.
Aga: But, she jumped right after me.
Serge: She got into her car.
Caine: She didn't get there.
Patrice: She looked like Jamie Farr.
All: Ohhhh, aye-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di!
Serge: Although she was so ugly.
Caine: I took her anyway.
Patrice: I used her to scare children away.
Aga: What the hey?
Serge: Boy, it really worked good.
Caine: I remember that day.
Patrice: That I took her to the dog park.
Aga: And said, what they hey.
All: Ohhhh, aye-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di!
Caine: I tried to forget it.
Patrice: I tried to drink a lot.
Aga: Because she was so ugly.
Serge: She needed an ink spot.
Caine: Then that day would come again.
Patrice: That I'd meet her.
Aga: I was so scared.
Serge: It looked like someone had beat her.
All: Ohhhh, aye-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di-dee-di!
And in the morning, we’ll
wake up and do it all over again…..
"It's well to remember that there are five reasons for drinking: the arrival of a friend, one's present or future thirst, the excellence of the vodka, or any other reason". Break-ups fall under any other reason.
I gotta say that words of Toni
Morrison, Martin Luther did me justice when I wrote this piece
Before I forget, y'all should swing by and say wasup....