Monday, January 3


There is got to be a reason for loving what we love. Personally, sports, a beer, Betty Brown, Mary Jane and other women (not necessarily in that order) do it for me. The reason why I love sports is the spontaneity that comes with it, for beer or anything bliss oriented, it’s the hi, and when it comes to women, reasons range all the way from companionship to sex. They say the only reason why a man and a woman stay together is free sex, (not that I believe it) and the reason men get married is free unprotected sex. Sadly, it actually makes sense in a very unholy way, but that’s the world we living in and unsuccessfully trying to fix.

Love is more of a symptom than a disease. Loving something or someone means an inevitable falling from grace license, which is the disease in this particular context. If history has taught us anything, love for a woman can bring down even the most powerful man. We had Samson, Romeo, Adam (in the Bible for those who don’t have a copy), and other men who were not very famous. Love even had the audacity to start a war, the battle of Troy. It takes away control, kicks logic out of the window leading to the infamous saying, “follow your heart”, where to? , your downfall. It has the power to compel a stingy man to spend some money on chocolate, flowers and cards.

From personal experience, the women we love are not necessarily the ones who love us, (except for family) and the heartbreaks are a little too common. This love thing creates a hunger in us. We want to impress so much; we end up changing us to suit them. We pen down poetry and songs dedicated to them, forget the pact with the boys, forget our friends at the breweries, among other things. It is very impressive in movies but almost inapplicable in real life.

On the flip side, the beauty of falling in love overshadows all that, or better yet, makes day out of night. Mornings are much more beautiful, jokes are funnier, the smiles and laughter increase, the bed is warmer among the many tiny things that lead an honest man to a wreck in a couple of months. It’s an invitation to the Heartbreak hotel. I am not hating on those who love and those who are loving, am just trying to share some knowledge with my people. I hope and pray no woman will slap me soon,

I read somewhere that the way to a woman’s heart is diamonds.

So, where do we go from here? The local.

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