I do pity people living in big cities, always fighting traffic, between polluted air and noisy public transport system, they never seem to notice when the ending of their day comes. The quick summary of the night ahead eludes them, the beauty of the sun going to bed. One of the most beautiful phenomena is that of the day turning in to the night especially if it's going to be a starry night. Watching the sun go down is one of the most amazing sights of Gods’ creation, better if it's placed on an oceans and palm trees background. When it starts going down, it turns to a bright yellow, kind of translucent. The movement of the wind is a little fast at the beginning meaning that on a good night when the clouds are spaced out, moving from one end to the other as the sun goes down behind them, the images are more agile. You see, with the clouds sliding behind it, the lucent rays create different images, like a slide show in the sky. We all have things that make us tick, what makes us smile when we sleep, dreams, hopes, wishes, each one of us has a different view of a better world. In these slides, everyone sees what makes them feel alive, what you feel the world should look like. Some of us see superheroes, knights in shining armor, lion king, and clown faces. Others see ship wrecks and battle fields, while some see flower fields, mermaids, and angels, anything you want to see. These are normally conceptual images and whatever you see is probably not what I see.
As the sun starts to go down, it's shade of yellow starts to fade out from a bright shiny yellow to a darker, healthier shade, almost glowy but with a deep healthy feel, like a dimly lit room kind of glow. The cloud movement doesn't change, but the pace looks like it’s a slower one. You can’t be really be sure if it’s your imagination but the images in the slides are much more relaxing, images are much clearer, deeper color. The
art is epic. Waterfalls, wind, or how do you think people learnt to draw the wind? The images are much more relaxing now, absorbing. Absolute silence is required. A few smiles will escape you, coz if you were having a bad day; this is the point where you think that somewhere on the other side, someone else is watching the same sun rise. He or she is hopeful that the day will be as awesome as the sunrise. Like people say, the sunrise is like a preview of the day, and the sunset a quick summary of the night. Slow sunsets turn out to be slow nights while a quick one turns out quite hectic nights, the nights you don't want to ever end. If you are watching the sun dragging itself home, someone is watching the same sun struggling to rise, long day it will be for him.
The sun is now brimstone, crimson red, partly hidden. Deep. It's extremely quiet, almost as quiet as between a couple of minutes before six and a couple of minutes before in the morning people are changing shifts, night turning to day. At some point between these, points, the world is mostly quiet as rulers of the night lay their heads down and the day folks struggle to wake up. Like zombies they drag their weight around either for coffee or whatever switches on their lights, or for a place to lay their heads down. Quietly they partake this ritual and the world feels peaceful, no one is thinking how terrible their day was, too tired to worry, or whether they've finished that presentation for the 10:00 o’clock meeting, still too sleepy to worry. That's how the sun ends a sunset and starts a sunrise. Without a care in the world. This is why the most beautiful part of a sunrise is at the beginning and the ending just does it for the sunset.

Part of the sun is now hidden; the color is a deeper shade of red. You can see some of the brighter stars popping out and on a good night, you see the moon rising on the eastern end. The sun is struggling to stay afloat, and you're praying that it would win the fight although deep inside you know it's got to go. Like the end of a great first date, you know you have to let her go but if you had your way, you wouldn't let her go. You watch her walk, she turns around after every couple of steps to see if you're still there, she gets to the door, blows you kiss, opens the door, turns back with this amazing smile begging you to come and sweep her away and ride with her to the sunset. That's how the sunset ends, leaves you nostalgic.
Stars pop up one by one, on a good night; you might have a starry night. The kind that has you making out shapes in the skies, mermaid images, a beautiful lady you think about all the time, nice kind of images. When you are utmost peaceful, it's always your sub conscience at play. When watching the sunrise and the sunset, you are extremely peaceful and the images you see on the slides are what your dreams tend to be, what kind of a person you are. If what you see are ship wrecks, battle fields, you are probably a violent person, because it shows violence makes you smile, it’s what drives you. For peaceful people, it could be anything from birds, to flowers, clowns, whatever makes us smile. On starry nights too, we make out images in the skies of what or who we think about a lot when we are alone. If it's a girl, the stars might spell out her name, or a spitting reflection of her. When you see someone smiling for no reason during a starry night, that’s' a special woman he's staring at up there.
As I was saying, watching the sunset is beautiful. It reflects what we dream of, hope for, the simple things that make us smile. I kinda believe if you watch the sunset with someone for long enough you can truly say you've ever seen her smile, when you say I love your smile, it's not the one that she will flash and blush a little, it's that effortless expression of feeling when the sun is sliding to bed. I do believe that most movie directors watch sunsets, they get a quick preview of their projects. When you watch a preview, most previews at least, you get the feeling that this is going to be one of the greatest movies ever made, sometimes it is, and sometimes it turns out to be a shitty movie. When the director was watching the preview of his next project, he had the same thing in mind. You can imagine David Cameron’s sunsets, giving rise to amazing movies in the lines of titanic, avatar. Or Stephen Spielberg and Michael Scorsese sunset products. Then you have people who direct movies like scream, and the others that you can't remember their names at the top of your head coz they totally sucked. The imagination these people have to be able to watch the preview of a movie like troy before it was ever made is just overwhelmingly magnificent. Bar named like ''bull balls'' in Nicholas Cages’ new movie drive crazy can only be revealed in the slides of a sunset.
I love sunsets. I might not get enough chances to watch them but when I do, I let them sway my world. Lamu gives me a lot of these chances, ocean background sunsets. I wish I could take the ocean with me when I live this place, but am hoping to watch the sun set in different background and compare. I’ll try the mountains, the lake, behind tall buildings, and basically anything I’ll lay my eyes on.
I never really thought of Sunsets in such kind of way, maybe it's coz I never really sat down and watched a sunset rather than a quick glance as a rush to beat the traffic.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I will make a point of watching a sunset and test this theory of yours. It should be interesting.
Totally feeling this piece, am definately watching the sunset today, or when the weather allows.