I haven't been home in a while, my other home where freedom to think is real regardless of what your thoughts entail. It's been almost a week now and my happy place feels a little neglected, which is understandable considering I don't usually stay this long without swinging by. It feels like years, that's right, in happy places, we bend the time and space con......(s'thing s'thing, feel free to insert word). I heard that the big guys' view of time is a little different from us mortals in the sense a day is actually a century and a century a day in God years, or something along those lines. I don't have that level of clearance when it comes to bending space and time but in my happy place, they let me squeeze an year in a day, meaning in happy place years, I haven't been home in close to seven years.

I got some groceries on my way home, some spinach too. Call me crazy but am still hoping that one day spinach soup will taste good and I'll eventually live my dream of pulling a Popeye on my Olive. Spinach thrown around some goat piece, potatoes and a whole lotta ''kadhalika'' blends real good and the soup off that ''chemsha'' is heart skipping beats awesome. If spinach soup tasted half as good, maybe, just maybe it would be a little less hated (I don't hate it personally coz I've never really tried it but I hear things). I would experiment with it and a few other ingredients but my second thought is a little uptight especially when it comes to fun involving stuff (God how I hate that voice). I was going to try a quick spinach soup experiment where you use wine instead of water but the buzzkill is all about health, ''you might get sick'', ''don't be a hero'', ''you will hurt yourself'', especially when am thinking of jumping off a boat and swimming to the sunset. I have a few stop gap measures for this particular nuisance, but it's always there in the morning 0630 hrs telling me how I shouldn't be in bed. Am working on a permanent solution but for now, vodka will do.
Some groceries and spinach in my happy place. I love this place coz I let my voices roam, outside my head they go. They are always fighting in my head since the space isn't enough for them to do their own thing plus their are involuntarily work as a team. Ms. Jane and Matt are the chilled out ones, chilling by the beach or in rooftops legs crossed, backs arched back, all smiles appreciating the big guys creation. Johnnie is the paranoid kind, restless too, so we let him roam around. He thinks we could be attacked any moment (by.........sshhh....aliens or dinosaurs.......ssshhhhh.....don't shout, you'll freak him out), he therfore needs to look for the perfect vantage point. There is always a blind spot, even when he is on top of the world, there is noone watching his back is what he says, it's safer to keep changing your spot. We let him walk for as long as he likes.

Jack wants to be the hero, saving dances, catching falling angels or beautiful women, mending broken hearts, and so forth. He is a little full of himself, he thinks he can get his hands on any woman he wants, romantic Jack he calls himself. He loves all women so much he doesn't understand why he has to stay with one. Whenever we are talking to the big guy (it's usually a family thing, all or none), he keeps asking him what he thinks about the one man one woman theory. The big guy never gives straight answers, I think that's where JC got the parables act from, but his metaphors are really hard nuts to crack (tihihihi, haard nuts to crack), and we are yet to crack our nuts.
With Ms. Jane and Matt chilling in the boat discussing all things natural, Johnnie walking off his paranoia and Jack miserably failing to catch falling angels, it's quite up here. A quick look every once in a while just to be sure you can see them, especially Johnnie and Jack, and make sure they don't stray too far is necessarily.
Off to the happy place real quick
I know it's not my place to question but is Ms Jane a voice in your head or Mary Jane the guide to your happy place??ane a voice in your head or Mary Jane the guide to your happy place??
ReplyDeleteHehehehe, wierdo...