I normally don't do resolutions at the closure of the year, probably because I know by the third day of the year, I'll probably have forgoten them, or rather drowned them together with the liver. I therefore prefer not to put myself in a position where am trying to achieve a resolution I can't remember clearly the reasons behind it. I prefer not to make resolutions, at least not the end year kind of resolutions.
This year however, am making my first resolution. To start making resolutions.
Anyway, that is not the main issue today. It's about a few things I've been playing with in my head for a couple of days. Things I should do in the near future.
1. Learn how to drive.
Sometime back, me and my cousin Patrice were driving along Musindi Road. When we got to Ngara girls, my cousin gave me the wheel, he'd been teaching me to drive for a while and I was feeling a little more confident on the wheel. I drove through Southern Blue hotel quite smoothly, took the turn down Nyayo market, (I was all smiley, I had finally learnt how to drive), went straight and took the turn to the gate real smooth, approached the gate, then something happened. I realized the gate was half open. My cousin could could have navigate through the space left but I didn't have that kind of confidence. I freaked. I stretched my foot to reach for the brakes and hit the gas pedal instead. I freaked some more. To make things worse, a group of mechanics who have a garage right adjacent to our flat started screaming directions and warnings from all angles. I freaked even more and pressed the gas pedal some more, I was froze and couldn't move my leg. I crashed my uncle's car outside his gate as he watched from the balcony. Needless to say, he banned me from ever touching the wheel of his car. I have never tried to touch the wheel of anyones car ever since. Am planning to.
The reason am planning on learning how to drive is because I've finally decided to take that road trip I've been meaning to take for the longest time. I want to take a fortnite and drive through the places I've heard the greatest stories from. Drive through Kisumu, pass by Moyale-Ethiopia border, Muliro gardens, watch Luhyas in groups in Kakamega, Samburu and finally take a swim through Lamu one more time. I want to make the stories I've heard from these places through other people mine. I want the stories I've heard from these places to be heard through me too.
2. Take a train ride.
To be honest, this is a new plan. It wasn't with me before last night. Here is what happened.
I got home and really wanted to blog. I like you guys, and although you don't necessarily show it, I think you at least like me too, or the blog. I wanted to put something up for you but I didn't have anything. My vault was empty.
So I called up a friend of mine, I wanted her to throw a couple of pointers my way, especially because she writes too, and as I learnt, reads a lot too. I think we can all agree it makes sense to try her. So she throws a couple, compares relationships with shoes, we try to complement pros and cons across gender and the communication problem, we go on and on, and on, and finally lands on some of the things we would like to do before we die (she is convinced that it is still possible for someone to send you anthrax via post). I already have a bucket list, visit either Rio or Amsterdam or both, attend a rock concert preferably Coldplay, make a fun album (photos of all my friends blacked out), among others. Then I thought about train rides. You board a train from Mombasa and spend a night in every town along the rail line. I thought a train ride across the country should be on my bucket list. Although we didn't come up with something that I could put up for you, we did add something in to my bucket list.
3. Paint a self-portrait.
I stole this idea from Fight Club (the best movie ever made)...........
Narrator: [Tyler steers the car into the opposite lane and accelerates] What are you doing?
Tyler Durden: Guys, what would you wish you'd done before you died?
Ricky: Paint a self-portrait.
The Mechanic: Build a house.
Tyler Durden: [to Narrator] And you?
Narrator: I don't know. Turn the wheel now, come on!
Tyler Durden: You have to know the answer to this question! If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?
Narrator: I don't know, I wouldn't feel anything good about my life, is that what you want to hear me say? Fine. Come on!
Tyler Durden: Not good enough.
Ricky's answer sounded good enough. Painting a self portrait sounded good enough.
I got to start cancelling things of my bucket list, I ain't getting any younger.
I've always wanted to lay a celeb....a threesome with jessica biel and anna kournikova........that's the only thing on my bucket list
ReplyDeleteroad trip is an excellent idea, hell its a perfect idea, mine is from cape to cairo, one more thing...fight club there is no fight club..
ReplyDeletePaint a self-portrait......niiiiice