I want to talk about all the good times, lessons I have learnt, experiences I've had and some not so graphic escapades with my women. Am a little shy about the sex escapades because most of my ex-girlfriends are still good friends to date, we talk over the phone, we have not broken off our friendship and they sometimes do read my blog and they will probably know am talking about them. I do however like reminding them that I still remember the good times, the walks, the smiles, the drinks et al.
That's a whole lotta digression, if am allowed to use the word. The stories.
Am not much of a loner. I need people around me, the more the merrier. To make this happen, I need to make it worth their while but since you can't throw parties everyday, one is forced to be interesting. I am forced to be interesting. I feel comfortable in a crowd, (probably the reason am going to die a poor man) so I need to entertain them.
I like literature. Actually, I love literature. Reading good stories written by men and women who love to tell their stories and stories of others and tell them so well. I like reading history, stories of men of old, their battles, their solutions to worlds problem, their ''how to love a woman'' manual (the Spartans knew how to love a women, I try to love my women the way the Spartans loved), and so forth. I like history because it has lessons, with history we know how not to live lest we suffer the same consequence. The good morals you take them with you, the bad you thank God you weren't born then. I like to read poetry every once in a while. I like the Bible too and the few bits of the Qur'an that I have read.
If I maybe excused, I will digress for a second.
Have you ever thought about the religious books from a different perspective except a religious one. Am not trying to offend y'all religious folks but don't you think these books are Jewish myths as told by the Romans. The message is great and although their God seems extremely powerful, is it possible that these books are based on stories of two stoners trying to understand the world with a whole bag of weed? Call me crazy but a man being swallowed by a whale then spat out after three days doesn't sound too plausible. But that's just me.
I love good music, especially good old school music. It brings forth good memories, the mistakes you made and never learn't the lessons, the girls you loved then, the people that loved the song, where you lived when the song came out. I have a theory that people who love old school music have had a fun life.
I like movies, I haven't watched one in a while probably because am yet to buy a telly. I think am out-growing T.V, or it's the realization that T.V is killing books, or am just broke.
As I was saying, I like movies. Movies tell you stories the way they are supposed to be told, in detail. Movies have raw emotion, not as raw as live T.V, but good actors and actresses do make you feel the emotion. Good movies make you imagine yourself in the characters situation, epic movies makes you want to live the emotion. Troy is an epic movie.
I love to travel. I have a dream that one day I will own a Jeep and a no limit credit card. In my dream, I jump into my Jeep and drive away. See every corner of this country, sleep in small towns, sample traditional drinks and foods. If am lucky, a beautiful lady will ride shotgun.

I've always loved literature and if I could change one thing in my life, it would be the career I chose. Accounting is not so bad, but am not cut out to be an accountant. Am good with math, but am better at telling stories, and reading those of others. Life on the other hand forces us to need things that we don't need, we go to jobs we hate to finance needs that life subscribes us. We don't like our jobs but the path that our hearts desire happen to be rocky. Thus the death of the arts, our arts, our first loves.
Anyway, let's make some lemonade.
Troy is an epic movie, that is something that we do agree. I however believe the motivational speakers help in moulding self and they really not bullshit mongers as stated.
ReplyDeleteThe post I like. Let's indeed make some lemonade.
I am curious as to how the Spartans loved, maybe you should teach the men to love so if it is as implied.
ReplyDeleteOn making lemonade, well we can choose to throw the lemons at the freaks too........lol