Saturday, May 14

Nothing, but a drink thing

I have some really weird friends, and to be honest, they do some really weird things when they get hi'. I already said they are weird so the drink can only make them more weird. I know sometimes people go to the toilet to test their hi level but finding someone pulling the two finger double shot (sometimes it's the shotgun) at themselves in front of the mirror or checking their biceps is kinda hilarious. Also missing the door to the urinal by a cool 12 meters and almost doing the business in the corner (that would have being the death of that there a mini plant there? I'll check and get back to you) is on the extreme but anything that goes above this stunt cannot be put up, include crashing churches rather than parties. It kinda reminds me of the difficult question one of them asked me after he hit his imaginary girlfriend with his imaginary golf club, where he could get a new one, the golf club. Another one thinks that the three kings who make their people happy are the Drin-King, Smo-King and Fuc-King.

Anyway, these friends have an upside, relentless love for the drink.

Why are we talking about my friends again? Ooohh yeah, that's because they are real pricks when they decide to be and their lies are way to convincing. I however found out that whatever they do in private or out of anyone's sight which would be really funny if someone else did it will have to be told in the third person. If they found out I knew this lil trick, they would probably stop using me as the fallback guy when am hi. Apparently, I tend to forget a lot of things that happen after 0200 hours, (blame it on the alcohol among other things). In the past, my friends had a tendency to abuse my forgetful slumber, which was initially caused by listening to them thus indulging in those that cause memory loss.

So, they are pricks, but we all know that. Now why do I hang around them. To be honest I have no idea but I can't really live without them. You see, as a bachelor, you need friends who give you the wrong advise all the time because that's the only way to make memories. They also tend to buy liquor for you when you're broke and inform you when you're just about to chips funga that you'll regret waking up to. We all know what happened to the few we threw to the dogs (used as guinea pigs to test the institution of marriage), which means what they are experiencing right now will be experienced pretty much by all of us. We all like to act like it's all good but deep inside it's a mini jail for the men and the women won't let you have the key.

Anyway, I hadn't blogged in a while and I needed to say something today. It's okay if I get fucked up every once, twice, thrice or whichever number of times i get in a while before I loose the key.

Note to self: One of these fine days, I will write something important, or at least something that actually makes sense. Until then, I think am going to have another forgetful night (s). I might wake up with more injuries, loose a few more things, but at least the memories (those that I'll remember) will last a lifetime.


  1. you don't really think marriage is a mini-jail now do you?
    Nice piece as always!!

  2. shiku, am not sure how to answer that question since am speaking from an observers point of view but the probability leans on a positive response

  3. bachelorhood not going anywhere anytime soon, need a lil more wrong advice

  4. True, it's nothing but a drink thing

  5. I like the photos more, but the truth too is welcome

  6. There is nothing as refreshing as a splash of truth once in a while :-)
