Monday, January 17

When we knew

I have this theory that when we were younger, girls and boys thought along the same lines. We would grow up to be something, get married to a nice other and raise flawless kids. Somewhere along the way, it became apparent that we are living in a man’s world where men have to work their asses off to make a living whereas all the women had to do was look pretty (kinda sounds like a woman’s world). Don’t get it twisted, we have a few women who understand the value of hard work but the remaining lot has made it a habit of quoting sexism or using their invaluable assets to make a living. These are the women who make us men wary of giving our all in our relationships. I do believe there are good girls already born but in between finding them, we have to go through too many false starts it becomes tiresome to a point where we don’t see the point of looking anymore.

Being a man is a very tiresome job especially a man who actually makes a living and is still single. You have to go to work every day, come home to an empty bed, dirty laundry, empty fridge and so many wrongs in the house. For someone who’s just moved from home, the shock is beyond apprehension. One is left with the choice of getting an untested broad to help out or learn the ropes by self. The former always looks like the better option until one finds it simpler to look after a five year old than handle a full grown woman, no pun intended. What a man is used to is a straight up conversation where one takes words at face value, hanging out with friends is routine, missing a football match is a crime, and tomorrow always takes care of itself, at least that is what I expect. When the status quo changes, adapting becomes a big problem.

It became worse when the women of the world decided to go to the city of lil men with small eyes a.k.a Beijing. Worse still, the Beyonce era kicked in where all the single ladies are standing up, becoming independent screaming to the left. They refused to go to the kitchen, do laundry, and decided men too can change diapers. The suffocation became unbearable which scared the hell out of the remaining good men who were more than willing to be heroes. The ratio of men to women being barely comparable, these women have forced some of the men to run to the bars, coke joints, commercial sex workers and same sex relationships, creating an even bigger gap between eligible men and women. A brave few are still hoping for the good old days of our fathers and try their best but end up in courtrooms fighting for their hard earned money in divorce settlements.

As it stands, we are creating a new breed of men. Loving a woman was supposed to be the only reason a man would stay under the same roof with the significant other. Times have changed, for the worse, and men are compromising love for stability and procreation. It’s always being African to have a heir and family pressure is forcing men to make decisions they will most likely regret.

What am trying to say is, times were better when we knew men are animals, women are beautiful and marriage was a commitment.


  1. Times are different now

  2. kinda sucks how things have changed but what can you do?

  3. hehehe...the main question iz,will u marry her ?

  4. The problem is with the men. Considering there are more women than men, it shouldn't be that hard for a man to find a significant other if he chose not to stagnate. Up your game men and stop whinning and we just go back to the beginning i.e. where we all dreamt
